You can 'hide' a class from the calendar, with just a few clicks!  Maybe you'd like to have a class on the schedule and you just aren't ready to show yet, or you're building out your calendar and don't want to show a class - it's easy!

Step 1: Create or Edit a Class Service

First, you'll either need to create a new service, or edit an existing service and enable the 'hidden' ability.

Head into the 'Services' section under 'Products & Services', click 'Edit', then turn on the 'Hide From Public?' option.

Step 2: Edit the Class on the Schedule

Then, head into the schedule and either add a new class or click on the service you've just turned on the hidden ability.  You'll see a new option to 'hide' that class from the schedule.

Once you 'hide' the class, it will be removed from your PUBLIC class schedule. Note that you can use the same options for hiding either single classes, or recurring classes if you created it in such a way. That way, you can hide individual classes, or hide all future classes.  Just choose the 'Update only this single session', or 'Update all future instances of this recurring session'.

Step 3: Confirm your Classes are Hidden

On the BUSINESS view for your class schedule, nothing will appear different, as you can still see the classes.


However, CLIENTS can no longer see the classes on your schedule for hidden classes.


Note that if you've provided clients with a DIRECT link to the class for scheduling or booking use, they will be able to book and view the class by clicking on the link. The 'hidden' option only affects the public viewing of the schedule by clients.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to