
A professional profile is available to professional accounts only.


You must have a professional account. If you don't have a personal account, to upgrade to a professional account, upgrade here.


1. Log in to your fitli account. Go to your "Personal" section.

2. Click 'Account' on the top menu. 

3. Then 'Professional Profile' on the left side.

- You can update all your information here.

- For those fields that have an 'eye' icon next to it, you can turn on or off by clicking on the icon. ON (in blue color) means it's visible to the public.

- Scroll down, you'll see more options, like Specialties, Certifications, Profile Picture, Option to make your profile viewable and searchable on the app.

- We suggest to have your profile picture loaded (via the 'Choose File' button), and have option 'Profile is viewable and searchable?' set to YES. This allows customers to search and view your professional profile!

- Click on the 'SAVE' button at the end.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to