You can set yourself as 'unavailable', using the 'blocked time' feature. A blocked time event means you're not available to be booked by customers; let's say you have another obligation, doctor's appointment, pick up the kids, etc. You can set a specific time as 'blocked' by using the steps below:

Step 1:

Login to your business account, and head to the Calendar page, then, click on the general area you'd like to 'block' off.

Step 2:

On the next popup, choose 'Blocked Time', and complete the form by entering the title (note that this is a required field) selecting the options for which professional you'd like to block time for; choose the date/specific time, and if it's a repeating session or not. You may block the entire day by clicking the 'All Day' slider. You may also add a "Block Time Description" on the right side. Click 'Block Time' button at the bottom when done.

Step 3:

Remember the empty spot on the calendar before? Now, it's blocked!

Step 4:

Click on the blocked time event to see more details or remove it.

That's it! The blocked time event prevents anyone from booking a calendar event (class or appointment) during that session.

Note: Also, the blocked time does not show up on your calendar for clients to view - we don't want them seeing when specifically you're unavailable - they just can't book that specific slot. Only YOU and your BUSINESS VIEW can see your blocked time event.

Thanks and if you have any questions, please contact us at