As a service to your clients, Fitli provides information on when and how soon client packages/memberships are expiring, based on several criteria.

Fitli will send your clients the following messages:

When your client's sessions are 'About To Expire' (10 days from expiration):

Your client will receive a 'Your Sessions are about to Expire' message 10 days before the expiration of their membership/package, assuming the membership was set to longer than 10 days.  As an example, if Pam buys a membership on 1/1/2020, and the expiration is set to 1/30/2020, she'll receive an email on 1/20/2020 telling her that her membership will expire on 1/20/2020.

When your client's sessions are almost 'gone':

Your client will receive a 'Your Sessions are almost Out' message when they have 1 remaining session left on their account.  As an example, if Pam buys a 10 pack of classes, and then books 9 classes, she'll receive an email telling her she has 1 class left on her account and she should purchase/renew her membership.

When your client's sessions have expired:

Your client will receive a 'Your Sessions have Expired' message when their membership/package has expired, and is past the expiration date.  For example, if Pam purchases a membership on 1/1/2020, and it expires on 1/30/2020, she'll receive the 'Your membership has expired' email on 1/30/2020, telling her that her membership has expired and needs to renew.  Note that this message doesn't get sent when the client gets automatically renewed, only on 'single purchase' memberships/packages.

Thanks and we hope you and your clients find these messages useful and helpful for managing your accounts!