You tried to reset your password but you still can't log into your account. This happens when you have some browser issues or you accidentally changed your password and forgot about it. If this happens, contact us immediately to get your temporary password.

Once you have your temporary password, log into your account and go to the 'Personal' section.

On the 'Personal' section, click 'Account' on the top menu.

You'll be directed to the Login Info section of your account. To change your password, enter the temporary password we just gave you on the 'Enter Current Password' field. Then, enter your desired password on the 'Enter New Password' field, re-enter it to confirm, click 'I'm not a robot' and hit SAVE. Very Important!

Changes are real-time. On your next login, make sure you enter your new password. Note that the password field is case sensitive. We'd also like to suggest to change your password from time to time for security purposes.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us at or send us an email to